What is the Value of Continental Airlines OnePass Miles?

The Continental OnePass frequent flyer program offers both SaverPass and EasyPass fares for many global destinations. SaverPass fares require far fewer miles to obtain flights, but suffer from limited availability. Conversely, EasyPass fares, while requiring significantly more miles, have no availability restrictions. Given how much more “expensive” the EasyPass fares are, GetDebit assumes that all redemptions will be via SaverPass fares. While this reduces the value of the program (it makes it much harder to redeem miles for trips you actually want to take), GetDebit tries to take this into account through the application of the non-cash rewards penalty.

Here are the key assumptions in our analysis:

  • GetDebit assumes that one-third of travel will be within the US (for trips greater than 1,500 miles), one-third will be to Europe, and the remaining one-third will be to Asia.
  • GetDebit also assumes that 75% of travel will be down during off-peak times (where awards are easier to secure), and the remaining 25% taking place during peak times.
  • Given how much more “expensive” EasyPass fares are, GetDebit assumes that all redemptions will be via SaverPass fares. While this reduces the value of the program (it makes it much harder to redeem miles for trips you actually want to take), GetDebit tries to take this into account through the application of the non-cash rewards penalty.
  • For the market value of tickets (both domestic and international), see our Detailed Analysis of Flight Costs.
  • GetDebit assumes all travel is done on economy class, and for travel within the US, that all flights are more than 1,500 miles (Continental offers better value for these longer flights).
  • GetDebit applies our standard 5% non-cash penalty to the value of Continental’s OnePass miles.  See our Rules of the Sky for more details.
Continental OnePass Miles Required For SaverPass Fares to Various Travel Destinations
From To Fare Type Peak/Off-Peak Class Miles Market ticket Price $ value/OnePass Mile % Travel Weighted Avg $ val/mile
USA USA SaverPass >1,500 mi Off-Peak Economy 25,000 $324 $0.0129 25% $0.0032
USA EU SaverPass Off-Peak Economy 50,000 $567 $0.0103 25% $0.0026
USA Asia SaverPass Off-Peak Economy 60,000 $772 $0.0119 25% $0.0030
USA USA SaverPass >1,500 mi Peak Economy 25,000 $455 $0.0182 8.3% $0.0015
USA EU SaverPass Peak Economy 50,000 $835 $0.0152 8.3% $0.0013
USA Asia SaverPass Peak Economy 60,000 $996 $0.0153 8.3% $0.0013
Total pre penalty $0.0128
Total post 5% penalty $0.0122

In conclusion, GetDebit estimates the value of Continental’s OnePass Miles at around $0.0122 per mile. See our mileage valuation comparison table to get an idea of how this stacks up against other frequent flyer programs.

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