A List of Essential Personal Finance Questions For Achieving Guaranteed Long-Term Financial Health

It is assumed that if you are visiting this website, you are interested in taking the necessary steps towards improving the overall health of your personal finances.

Maintaining healthy finances is something many, if not all of us, struggle with at some point in our lives.

Our intention is to provide you with advice that will help you navigate through the often uncomfortable duty of managing your money. Aside from water and food, finances should be taking extreme priority in your life, and if they aren’t, you are setting yourself up for a rude awakening at some point in your life.

Our goal financially is to be prepared to deal with any obstacle that may present itself to us through the course of our life, while subsequently constantly growing our overall net worth.

If we have a plan ahead of time for certain scenarios, we can overcome these obstacles with relative ease and focus our time instead on positive growth.

We want to be allocating as much of our time as possible in creating value, rather than dealing with issues that could be avoided in the first place if we had a game plan ahead of time.

Every second we are creating value, we are creating wealth.

The value we create for others will ultimately return in the form of financial value (money) for us if we understand the process behind not only creating value, but receiving the appropriate compensation for the value we have created.

Specific details on discovering how you can create value with the skills and abilities you already have will be saved for further articles. Today, lets take a look at some questions we need to answer before we can ever make any tangible growth in our personal finances.

Below, I have compiled a list, in no particular order of importance, of personal finance questions that must constantly be analyzed if we wish to remain financially healthy for the long-run.

If you do not have a specific answer for any of the following questions, this would indicate a problem area that needs to be addressed immediately, so these issues wont continue to have a negative impact on your overall finances.

This is not an end all of all lists.

In fact, this is just a few questions that I brainstormed for myself to answer to the best of my ability. I made sure to include all the questions that I do not currently have an answer for, so I can work on addressing them to the best of my ability, as soon as possible.
Personal Finance Questions to Consider to Achieve and Maintain Financial Health

  • How comfortable are you allocating your capital into various long-term and short-term investments that have the potential to grow and become more valuable?
  • How comfortable are you risking money?
  • How comfortable are you risking a certain percentage of your overall net worth?
  • How much do you have in savings?
  • How much do you owe in debt?
  • How much do you expect to earn, guaranteed, over the next 6-12 months?
  • If this guaranteed income stream suddenly disappeared, would this have an immediate impact on your quality of life, and ability to maintain a healthy. balanced quality of life?
  • How easy is it for you to generate new streams of income?
  • How much passive income do you currently earn?
  • How much of your net worth is liquid assets?
  • On average, how much do you spend each month on essential items such as shelter, food, and transportation?
  • Does your total income for the month exceed your essential expenses?
  • How much money do you have stashed that can be available instantly if need be for an extreme emergency?
  • Are you accumulating additional debt each month from accumulating additional interest on outstanding debts?
  • What are some areas in your life where you can reduce your expenses that are not extremely essential to your overall well-being?
  • Have I built a portfolio of long-term investments that have the potential to increase in value over time, while also paying out dividends throughout the year?
  • What are the allocation percentages of my entire net worth?
  • What percentage of my net worth is at high risk for potential extreme gain, or extreme loss?
  • How would I deal with these extreme gains, and extreme losses, emotionally, and also, financially in the future?
  • How can I create more value than I am already creating?
  • How can I, in turn, create financial wealth from this created value?
  • How much money is my time actually worth?
  • Am I trading too many hours of my time for less than I see myself worth?
  • Why do I see myself as being worth this much?
  • What skills do I have that I can use to create value?
  • How much of my time is spent building passive income streams?
  • Am I willing to trade hours of guaranteed income, to build passive income stream that will generate income while I am also trading my hours for income?
  • How many hours am I setting aside to educate myself on specific areas of personal finance that I am currently unfamiliar with?
  • When I hear the term “personal finance”, do I experience a positive reaction, or negative defensive reaction?
  • If I am not experiencing a positive emotion when focusing on the topic of personal finance, what do I need to do to become more comfortable with the way I manage money?
  • What deep insecurities do I hold about my personal finances, and how do I plan on dealing with these insecurities so they no longer prevent me from maximizing my potential growth?

Seem like a lot of questions?

At the end of the day, there really isn’t enough questions you can ask yourself regarding your personal finances. Your finances are your lifeline, and if your lifeline isn’t being grown stronger and more secure, you will ultimately crumble when it comes to maintaining a state of well-being.

It is best to answer some of the uncomfortable questions first, simply so we don’t have to deal with many of them when we reach hurdles to overcome financially.

We can reduce the amount of hurdles we will experience in personal finance by staying extremely disciplined with the way we manage our money. There is simply no excuses for certain actions we take in personal finance when we have built an extensive knowledge base regarding financial health to consult.

We all will make financial mistakes along the road to eventual financial freedom, and it is important how we learn from these mistakes, rather than dwelling on them.

How are we never going to make the same mistake again?

In the coming weeks, we will get into specific detail regarding some of the questions presented above. There are many aspects that entail the overall realm of personal finance, and we will be working to provide you with useful advice for every angle of money management.

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